Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome Home

Robby's coming home tonight. The pic above is the sign I taped to our front hall mirror.

He'll only be here for about four weeks... and this is probably the last time we'll really be able to say, "Welcome Home," because after this, he'll head off to be wed in Arizona... and this will never be his "home" in quite the same way.

We're all super excited for him and for his wedding and Amanda; however, I know we'll all be savoring this last bit of time we have him here with us.

Welcome home, little bro.


Joan said...

Sounds fun to me! Can't wait to see all of you at the wedding.

Jean Bean said...

Awww, bittersweet, indeed!! My heart felt twinges of those same feelings in my life. It's sure hard to let go, isn't it? Even when you are letting yourself or others go off to a good thing.